I will let Barry fill you in on the subtleties of today’s script, enjoy your monday everyone.
For the record, I feel new at this all over again. It might have something to do with my consistent forgetting to bring my post to work. I just can’t stay up until midnight waiting for the comic to go up any more, yet another superpower lost to the transition between becoming a responsible adult and what was before. Responsibility is highly overrated, but I digress.
The titling of the comic did not happen as spontaneously as it did in the comic. “Pickle Zombie” was actually the product of hours of careful consideration, thought, and search for meaning followed by ten minutes of “ah-fuck-it” word association when we realized that all of our meaningfully thoughtful considerations’ .com domains were already taken.
The especially frustrating bit about it was that most of them didn’t have actual websites on them, either. They had been taken by a conglomerate of internet agencies Forrest and I have dubbed the “typo-people.” Anyone who’s ever typed their favorite URL in wrong knows of whom I speak: those spam-botting, pop-upping, key-logging, ad-searching, excuses for websites that sit on URLs similar to popular domains but with a character or two out of place. If the World Wide Web were a barrel and the internet were the barrel it sat in, the worthless, soulless husks of barely human flesh who run such operations would be the scum on the dirt on the bottom of the bottom-most barrel in the system, whichever vessel of rotting wood that barrel happened to be.
So to combat this menace, each of us provided a list of ten words we liked, and we started picking combinations until we found a domain available. Apparently my hearts desire is a pickle, and Forrest, not surprisingly, channeled his unhealthy fascination with the undead. Two clicks and a half later, we had a domain and a title for the comic.
Now all we have to do is avoid being popular enough to draw the attention of those vile typo-people.