if my heart was going to explode.
It’s just the passenger outer CV joint
by The Samuwriter on June 28, 2010 at 10:54 amFor the record, both explosions alluded to in Forrest’s masterful title are greatly exaggerated. His shopping cart is purely theoretical in nature, a ghost in some machine waiting to take your money in exchange for goods and services. The failure of my car was purely mechanical, and resulted in a less than dramatic loss of power as I rounded the corner to my mother’s house. Thankfully the part that failed did so in such a manner that protected the rest of the car, isolating the problem and limiting the cost of replacement parts. Forrest was eventually able to revive his virtual salesman as well, but all of this calamity when combined with a healthy dose of earlier procrastination had a serious impact on the complexity of today’s comic offering. Still I marvel at Forrest’s rendering of my beloved Audi, a technical achievement if nothing else.