For the record, sometimes our jokes are pretty subtle. In evidence: the comic above. When Forrest told me he wanted to do a comic about his excruciating nocturnal muscle cramps, I didn’t really see the joke. When I showed Forrest the script, he didn’t really see the joke. Even now that the comic is up the joke remains elusive.

I’m pretty sure that’s subtlety, folks.

Another term I can use to describe this comic is “scientifically accurate.” Forrest said he wanted some really technical stuff about what was causing Lennon’s cramps. As it turns out, much of the research on that points to electrolyte depletion. At the same time, the company footing the bill for that research is Gatorade, who make their billions selling electrolyte-enriched water. The end effect is that no real research has been done.

Forrest will anecdotally testify to the efficacy of all the remedies mentioned in panel two, though, especially his bananas.
