For the record, we aren‘t barbequing in December. Well, Forrest might be; he’s that kind of Canadian. But the reality is that I wrote this punchline six months ago. Forrest had to go back and find it because by the time he had inked the panels we had both forgotten what the comic was about.
I was recently promoted to software architect. That guy says we need better tracking and logging in our half-year comic production workflow. Rub some JIRA on it and see if the problem goes away. We might be able to get another trial license to test with if we use a different email address. I don’t want to take this expense to the PM until we’ve got proof-of-concept. I know she’s just going to ask why this takes us so long.
Maybe she’s got a fucking point there.
PS: It’s been so long since I’ve done this I forgot how to automatically inject the bloody paragraph tags into the post.