For the record, we’re at it again.
When we decided to seriously do another web comic, we had these grand plans to make a month of comics before launch, and to run the website through rigorous testing to make sure everything was perfect before committing ourselves to another part-time job. Ah, to be young again. As it stands, it’s the night before launch and I have a tested but barely functional site, and three comics. I’ve only seen one, but I have unyielding faith that another two exist somewhere.
I told you we were at it again.
Things on my to-do list include a browseable archive, obligatory FAQesque page, and parallel news posts. The latter of these will hopefully prevent first post conflicts between Forrest and I from escalating into a short, but brutal war that will leave our new database in ruins. In the meantime, enjoy our exercise in functional minimalism.
We’ve recently completed a complete archival reconstruction of our comic Reality in Repair, but although all the comics survived the latest SQL-fire, none of the written content of the site could be salvaged. Nonetheless, we take pride in those comics, and you will begin adoring them now. As in now now.
More to come, that is a promise.