For the record, the irony of job hunting is that it is essentially a job that you don’t get paid for. You have a number of bosses proportional to the number of applications you have in, and you have exactly one real project that no one will tell you if it’s functioning or not. That […]
Archive for ‘Blog’
Barry, seriously… you hated this movie? It’s amazing. Hail to the King.
For the record, our fridge is always replete with leftovers. Our three largest food containers are sitting on its arctic shelves containing at least three full servings of three different meals, at this very moment. The other facet of this essential truth is that when I offer my son his pick of these recyclable feasts […]
For dinner tonight, I wrapped chicken breast in basil followed by bacon. I roasted potatoes, garlic, red peppers and asparagus to accompany this delectable entrée. It was f-ing tasty. F
For the record, Forrest doesn’t actually take conference calls in his underwear. I will not comment on which side of that threshold he inhabits while interacting with his clients. I’m just sayin’. I’ve been fortunate enough to enjoy many relaxed dress codes at the offices I have worked in, and I gravitate toward business-casual dress […]
For the record, a lunch with two entrees is pretty awesome to begin with. Now, I don’t usually have any ear for celebrity news. The pervasive knowledge of who has married or divorced who in the Hollywood or recording industry space often simply provokes an allergic reaction in which I break out into rashes that […]
For the record, I have an unnaturally high tolerance for cold temperatures so when I catch myself wondering where the nearest blanket is it can mean one of two things. Either I am cultivating a fever or I am outside during January. Now, Forrest implored me to write something in this space that was more […]
Hey, check out the facebook link at the bottom of the page. It’s nifty. Let me know what you think of this week’s strip. F
For the record, they’re still called the ulna and radius on chickens. The radius is for chumps because the ulna is longer and thus theoretically has more meat on it. However, with her penchant for bisection, Danielle had likely already compensated for this ensuring a fifty-fifty split of ingestible flesh. Something else Danielle and I […]