Go see Scott Pilgrim, it’s a great flick! If I managed to find the time, you can too. F
Archive for ‘Blog’
We called him Lenny. Just to be clear, I caught the bird and my buddy Ryan freed him from his bonds with a knife. Lenny did a happy dance for all of us and frolicked in the water. I hate seagulls.
For the record, the bird in question did not, in fact, retaliate immediately but rest assured that an organized strike force has already located Forrest’s car and are coordinating a bombing run. Gulls take a lot of heat for being a nuissance. At best their excrement perforates eveything in their habitat, and at worst they […]
The Something With the Dragon Something
by The Samuwriter on August 7, 2010 at 11:40 pmFor the record, I am super popular. Well, at parties. Night parties. That take place outside. Saw The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo the other night. Good flick. It starts off as a pretty brutal murder mystery film starring a people’s hero journalist who’s just been set up by a corporate bigwig he’s trying to […]
Just so everyone knows, this is rather accurate. I only wish I had air horns to express myself. But I’m probably a billion times more excited than Barry about his acceptance to school than he is. Then again I am so excited for no reason at all I feel like I’m going to burst. We […]
For the record, I got back into school, but almost all the courses I need are full, and the few that aren’t will be by the time I’m allowed to start registering during the late add period. My admission came six hours short of making the regular registration period. My end of that particular stick […]
It probably happens more than I care to admit where I call Barry in a state of inebriation from a patio or bar where I’ve been drawing the comic. In this case, I felt it would be hilarious to see Lennon drinking with a giraffe. By the way. Irish car bombs are delicious, far too […]
if my heart was going to explode.
It’s just the passenger outer CV joint
by The Samuwriter on June 28, 2010 at 10:54 amFor the record, both explosions alluded to in Forrest’s masterful title are greatly exaggerated. His shopping cart is purely theoretical in nature, a ghost in some machine waiting to take your money in exchange for goods and services. The failure of my car was purely mechanical, and resulted in a less than dramatic loss of […]
For the record, it was actually I who found myself in a movie theater to be filled with a certain remake instead of the certain video game adaptation I had intended to see. The discrepancy is no cause for concern for my mental health, however, and is owed entirely to the fickle tastes of my […]