For the record, I am positively buried in bits of brightly colored plastic. Some of it makes noise. It occasionally cries out jubilantly about the virtues of the letter ‘k’ from some unfathomable position beneath the smooth, shiny rubble as if trying very hard to distance itself from blame in the problem that we can […]
Archive for ‘Blog’
I decided to head down to my folks place, where I sketched this out on my recently acquired laptop. It’s for those of you who still play that confounded warcraft game online. Merry Christmas, F
Weee, a new header for the site! Where did that come from? I dunno. I made one for Trench Spike and didn’t want PZ to feel left out. Expect a comic … before Christmas. F
For the record, that’s how Danielle dealt with crowds before Alexander was born. Going to the mall with her required the same rigorous preparation as a three-hour jog. Pregnancy slowed her down a bit, and then post-pregnancy-baby-screaming-induced insomnia after that, but lately the pace has been picking up again. I need to learn to roller […]
So.. normally I’m not too politically oriented(beyond election period), perhaps its the radio I wake up too lately. Or maybe it’s the fascist lunacy regime that decided to take over Canada but I would like to just say something. Dear Harper, You’re a dick. -F
Imagine that, my login still works. F
For the record, I am sick. No, it’s not lupus. I will return to berating you idiots who feel it is a reasonable decision to not participate in the democratic process when I have recovered enough to beat you all senseless with a logic stick. That’s approximately 12,710,000 self-disenfranchising morons in this country who see […]
I had set aside Monday afternoon to comic, and ended up biking on some amazing trails all afternoon. It would have been a bigger shame to stay inside and draw, sorry about that. I’ll work on it during the week. Heh. Promise! Add my frisbee games tonight and you get one zonked artist, every muscle […]