For the record, my ongoing campaign against that most infernal of keys has reached a highpoint this week. Not only has there been the turning point described in the comic, where my allies at Logitech have finally agreed to some carpet bombing of annoying keys in general, but I’ve also happened on a very informative […]
Archive for ‘Blog’
For the record, coherence is highly overrated. Slinky squirrel breaks mad-beats on the chains of laryngitis surreptitiously, what. Perhaps I need to rethink my position on coherence. Seriously, though, I get cranky when I’m tired or my sleep is interrupted. That is to say that I have been cranky for about two months now. The […]
Heads up, we’re a monday wednesday friday comic, with a random spawn chance. You’ll never see a comic on a tuesday or a thursday or on the weekend, especially not on the weekend. So check with us on MWF, and we’ll try to keep you up to date as to just how little sleep our […]
For the record, I hope you like baby comics. I just got the go-ahead from Forrest to write whatever I think of, and to be frank Alexander has been the fulcrum upon which my world has turned for the last month. Galileo was full of crap. So, baby-related revelation of the day: There are billions […]
Not too worry all ye grandparents, family members and baby lovers. We have an updated photograph of baby Alex! “Baby Alex at 1 week” F
For the record, Forrest doesn’t consider cigars “smoking” per se. Lungs within ten yards disagree. Seriously, though, he smokes with a frequency similar to American voters doing what’s good for them, so so long as he does so as far away from me as possible, I wouldn’t worry about his health too much. That there […]
We welcome Alex into the world, umm, well it’s yesterday now by about 20 minutes. Congrats Barry and Danielle on your little boy. Woot! Anyway, this comic is technically only 20 minutes late, so don’t bust my balls alright? F
Jeff totally picked the color of Lennon’s throw pillow, and he also introduced me to Boards of Canada. And no, I’m not talking about politics, it’s a band. Be careful who you add on facebook, it could be an Alien. F