I don’t know what all the fuss is about, I scale vectors all the time using Adobe Illustrator. -F
Archive for ‘Blog’
For the record, the funny thing about most math jokes is that they either only work in print or they only word well when told orally. Some of you may notice that I might’ve spelled the operative word in the punchline “scaler” if I had been more concerned with the context of the subject and […]
For the record, “Why is he wearing a skirt?” - Danielle Ja.
Man, MWO guys deleted my comic from the forums. So here it is.
For the record, Forrest now officially resides in the dog house. Look at what he’s done. Look at it! I mean, it’s kind of clever and all if you’re into Mechwarrior. But he didn’t even ask me what I thought of it. He and Russ just… just… I thought we had something special. Ja.
For the record, I seem to be the only guy concerned that our latest internet meme originates in the weightlifting community. Am I the only one who sees what’s going on here? This event heralds the dystopian future prophesied in Val Kilmer’s seminal epic, Red Planet, wherein a jock browbeats a nerd over his website visitation superiority. […]
It’s a ton of fun. Find us on there. mwomercs.com
For the record, I don’t play Dead Space. But I can imagine having a buddy watching your back might ease the tension in a survival horror game. In case you’re new, the tension is the active ingredient in horror. Hind sight, and all that. Ja.
If Science Fiction has Taught Me Anything…
by The Samuwriter on February 27, 2013 at 10:32 pmFor the record, they say reality is stranger than fiction. Does this mean by writing strange fiction based on real events I have somehow goaded the universe into one-upping me and in fact this meteor in Russia is actually a birthday cake launched a decade ago from the Mir space station, having missed its target […]
Some light reading and video footage.