For the record, those first two panels are a delicious mixture of well-researched fact and poorly thought-through fiction. Bottom line here: the Blue Sky ginger-ale is actually closer to the ginger beer that McLaughlin and Cantrell were trying to emulate, which was actually invented in Britain in the eighteenth century. And by “actually”, I mean […]
Archive for ‘Blog’
For the record, this isn’t even the worst of it. Back in school I showed up at Forrest’s house and discovered his keyboard crucified on a cork board with a kitchen knife. Don’t hate the playa, hate the input device, I guess. Ja.
I’ve been drawing over at Trench Spike (print project), playing Ultimate, chasing skirt, chasing dog, drinking and pretending to be a designer at a full time gig. My favourite game of late is Chivalry, I’m on there as Lennon. Chop at me bro. -Lennon
For the record, this hasn’t actually happened yet. But it will. If I was able to invoke a controller-toss from Forrest at age twenty, my child will be able to do the same by age eight. It will be interesting to watch the progression, though. My parents weren’t really into video games, so the skill curve comparison […]
So yeah. The only thing I have to say about this comic is that it took way too long. Between procrastinating, being distracted and fussing over the art. I am happy with the way the shadows worked out under the table that DT is sitting at, I like the use of solid black patches of […]
For the record, given the number of rounds the Lawgiver is capable of expending from such a tiny clip, one can only assume that despite the grotesque diameter of its barrel and the sheer force of impact, each individual bullet is microscopic. Even the conventional ammunition must be hyperaccelerated to a significant fracion of the […]
Let it be known that this comic is a result of both boredom, determination and failure. I have a script in my inbox that I am excited to draw, I couldn’t seem to make it happen tonight. So I finished inking and coloured this filler comic. It’s not supposed to make any sense so don’t […]
For the record, Alexander and I were only able to find one pool noodle. That, and he’s only about three feet tall, so it was a pretty one-sided fight. I still have the welts. Ja.
For the record, Mars is way more interesting than Australia. No offence, Australian people, but saving you guys from invasion by busting up the nearest lift just doesn’t have the same narrative impact as freeing Mars from the yoke of an uncaring corporate government by unlocking an ancient alien terraforming device built into the core […]